
Anje Roosjen

2003, 15 €

The book is an artbook about the work of visual artist Anje Roosjen. It contains pictures of her paintings and sketches, grafic designs, inspirations, essays and an interview. The combination of religion and modern art in het work demands this kind of explanation in order to fully understand and appriciate the work.
Showgirls International Publishing

"At first glance, Anthony is a soulful character. Although his large eyes are the only facial features that are portrayed by Anje's latest iconographic art form, they reflect the little child that resides in all of us." Oscar van der Voorn and Hans van Etten who run Amsterdam's GO Gallery are convinced that Anthony will become recognised as another Œicon¹, treasured and pursued by collectors.

Their first encounter with the artist was interesting. Invited to an exhibition of her work, they found her collection a mix of form and style. Three years later and with more insight into her work, they talk about a more structured approach that clearly they have fostered. And there are commercial implications! People who run and own modern art galleries are not expected to talk openly about money. Another man called Oscar of the Wilde variety once said; "All art is useless!² But the Dutch are widely known for their directness as well as mercantile trade, which they more or less invented.

This private yet positive public reaction bridges the gap between the aspirations of the artist and those of her customers who want to own her images." Hans van Etten affirms this commercial aspect of her work but is quick to caution that "her work is about inspiration not duplication. For example, her landscape scenes with open spaces, woods and horsemen depict an almost dreamlike state. There are no horizons. Only undisturbed tranquillity and most importantly, hope! The evident variety of her paintings evokes a variety of intense personal reactions." Perhaps it is Anje's message and not her medium that is so collectable. Whatever the commercial attraction may be, both Oscar and Hans are convinced that her paintings will eventually take their place in the annals of art history. Assumption or presumption? Judge for yourself!

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